Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors


  • allowLegacy: "true"
1Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile0Errors Error
Translation0Errors Error
FileLength0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
590Errors Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
141Errors Error
JavadocMethod37Errors Error
JavadocType2Errors Error
JavadocVariable7Errors Error
JavadocStyle12Errors Error
ConstantName2Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
LocalVariableName0Errors Error
MemberName0Errors Error
MethodName0Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName0Errors Error
StaticVariableName0Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport1Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
RedundantImport0Errors Error
UnusedImports1Errors Error
LineLength290Errors Error
MethodLength0Errors Error
ParameterNumber0Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0Errors Error
MethodParamPad0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceAfter5Errors Error
NoWhitespaceBefore0Errors Error
OperatorWrap0Errors Error
ParenPad0Errors Error
TypecastParenPad0Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter16Errors Error
WhitespaceAround28Errors Error
ModifierOrder5Errors Error
RedundantModifier1Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0Errors Error
EmptyBlock1Errors Error
LeftCurly0Errors Error
NeedBraces24Errors Error
RightCurly0Errors Error
AvoidInlineConditionals20Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0Errors Error
EmptyStatement0Errors Error
EqualsHashCode0Errors Error
HiddenField0Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
InnerAssignment0Errors Error
MagicNumber41Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault0Errors Error
RedundantThrows36Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
DesignForExtension17Errors Error
FinalClass0Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor0Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
VisibilityModifier2Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle0Errors Error
FinalParameters0Errors Error
TodoComment0Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error



ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.192


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.84


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors'{' is followed by whitespace.74
Errors'{' is followed by whitespace.75
Errors'{' is followed by whitespace.76
Errors'{' is followed by whitespace.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
Errors'500' is a magic number.64


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.92
Errors'{' is followed by whitespace.92
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.104
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.138


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
Errors'400' is a magic number.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsVariable 'key' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsVariable 'value' must be private and have accessor methods.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'404' is a magic number.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
Errors'400' is a magic number.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'500' is a magic number.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'500' is a magic number.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'500' is a magic number.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
Errors'404' is a magic number.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.jaxrx.core.JaxRxConstants.*.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.85
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.113
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.117
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.120
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.122
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.122
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.124
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.136
Errors'400' is a magic number.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.189
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.202
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.202
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.207
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.220
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'400' is a magic number.233
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.240
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.240
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.243
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.244
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.245
Errors'400' is a magic number.246
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.254
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.258
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.261
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.264
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.264
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.268
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.268
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.278
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.299


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.130


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.97
ErrorsName 'beginResult' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.97
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.102
ErrorsName 'endResult' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.102
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.107
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.109
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsMethod 'createResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.137
Errors'400' is a magic number.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsMethod 'getResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.173
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
Errors'400' is a magic number.190
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsMethod 'performQueryOnResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.216
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.237
ErrorsMethod 'getResourcesNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.243
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.257
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.257
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.257
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.276
ErrorsMethod 'deleteResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.276
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'WebApplicationException' is unchecked exception.276
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.287
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.297
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.297
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.313
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.318
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.337
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.347
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.347
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'output'.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'wrapResult'.348
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.348
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'JaxRxException'.348
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.348
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.348
Errors'404' is a magic number.363
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.369
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.372
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'WebApplicationException'.376
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.380
ErrorsMethod 'getLastRevision' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.380
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'JaxRxException'.380
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.380
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.380
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.386
Errors'404' is a magic number.394
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.400
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.403
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.415
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'WebApplicationException'.418
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.421
ErrorsMethod 'getModificHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.421
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.423
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'JaxRxException'.424
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.424
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.424
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.427
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.431
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.521
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.533
Errors'400' is a magic number.547
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.555
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'WebApplicationException'.565
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.569
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'JaxRxException'.570
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.570
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.570
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.575
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.583
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.585
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.602
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.610
ErrorsMethod 'revertToRevision' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.610
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'JaxRxException'.610
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.610
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.611
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.616
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.617


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsMethod 'getResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsMethod 'getResourceByAT' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsMethod 'performQueryOnResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.198
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.199
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.200
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsMethod 'deleteResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.225
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.236
Errors'404' is a magic number.243
Errors'404' is a magic number.256
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsMethod 'modifyResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.274
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
Errors'404' is a magic number.296
Errors'404' is a magic number.310
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.332
ErrorsMethod 'addSubResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.332
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.343
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.345
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.349
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.351
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.353
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.355
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.355
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.359
Errors'404' is a magic number.362
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.366
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.368
Errors'404' is a magic number.372
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.374
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.391
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.393
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.410
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.414
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.417
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.419
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.427
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.429
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.447
Errors'404' is a magic number.460
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.467
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.486
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.487
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.493
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.495
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.504
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.504
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.504
Errors'404' is a magic number.505
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.508
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.508
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.510
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.510
Errors'404' is a magic number.515
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.519
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.519
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.519
Errors'404' is a magic number.520
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.523
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.523
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.523
Errors'404' is a magic number.524
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.530
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.532
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.542
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.544
Errors'404' is a magic number.553
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.565
Errors'404' is a magic number.578


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
Errors'3' is a magic number.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
Errors'400' is a magic number.131
Errors'403' is a magic number.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
Errors'405' is a magic number.151
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
Errors'405' is a magic number.168
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
Errors'3' is a magic number.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
Errors'400' is a magic number.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
Errors'405' is a magic number.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.230
Errors'405' is a magic number.234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.240
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'JaxRxException' is unchecked exception.240
Errors'403' is a magic number.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
Errors'8093' is a magic number.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'pStorageFac'.113
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'pRevision'.113
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'WebApplicationException'.114
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'WebApplicationException' is unchecked exception.114
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'WebApplicationException' is unchecked exception.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsMethod 'getXpathResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'wrapResult'.105
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.106
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.110
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsMethod 'getXpathResource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.152
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
Errors'404' is a magic number.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.196
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.216
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.92
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'revision'.126
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.128
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.130
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'nodekey'.155
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'revision'.155
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.158
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.160
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.162
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.196
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'TTException'.215
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.236


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33